Employee Turnover Cost Calculator - Grace Hill


What Does Employee Turnover Really Cost You?

The high turnover rates in the real estate industry are more than just a hassle; they drain your budget and disrupt your operation.

The cost of losing good people extends beyond the expense of recruitment and training. It truly affects the reputation of your company. Every time an employee leaves, your residents feel the pain, and your reputation suffers.

The true cost of employee turnover is staggering.

$4,700 cost per hire = $150K per year

Find out your company’s annual employee turnover cost with our calculator below:

To get you started we've included industry average data as an example.
Employee Turnover Cost Calculator
Your Annual Employee Turnover Rate
Your Employee Count
Average Cost per Hire

Get a demo of Grace Hill’s solutions that reduce the financial and operational burden caused by high employee turnover.

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