Talent Development and Retention - Grace Hill

Talent Development and Retention

Your people are your greatest asset, and when you invest in their development, positive results follow.

When top talent walks out the door, it’s a direct hit to your company’s bottom line. The cost of talent replacement and training is high, but when great people leave, your corporate culture also is in jeopardy.

What Does Employee Turnover Really Cost You?


More than a third of professionals are willing to leave their current job (or already have) without another one lined up.

$550 Billion

Disengaged employees cost U.S. companies up to $550 billion a year.


Employees with high levels of engagement are 5x more likely to indicate that they will still be working at the same company in a year.

Calculate your company’s annual turnover costs using our Employee Turnover Cost Calculator!

The Power of People: Unlocking Your Company’s Greatest Asset

All businesses seek to reduce risk and improve performance. But for the multifamily housing industry — a highly regulated business centered on humans and physical dwellings — the risks and rewards are amplified. When you invest in your people and their development, positive results follow.

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Shot of young business woman working while making video call with computer sitting in the office.

Top 10 Tips for Effective Employee Training and Development

Recent studies are clear – particularly post-pandemic – that having a robust training program is critical in the dynamic multifamily landscape. Are you willing to risk having employees leave because someone else is willing to invest in their advancement?

Learn more about optimizing your training with Grace Hill!

The Great Resign-nation: Finding, Engaging, and Keeping Talent

Hiring was challenging before the pandemic; now, it feels virtually impossible. Yet, we believe there is a light at the end of the hiring tunnel.

Learn from Kristen Magni, Managing Partner at hyrUP, as she explains how building high-caliber, high-performing teams aren’t actually found in hiring more employees but in cultivating those you already have.


Win the Fight for Top Talent

Talent is a key differentiating factor for success, particularly in the multifamily industry. As the workforce changes, resident desires morph, and the economy shifts, attention to talent development and retention play a crucial role in your company’s ability to prosper.

Here's what you must know to attract (and keep!) good employees.

Ready to learn more about training, policy, and assessment solutions that can maximize the value of your talent investment and improve your bottom line?

Talk to a Grace Hill expert today!

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