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Mystery Shopping
TYP- mystery shopping

At Grace Hill we recognize that you strive to provide prospective residents with an exceptional and consistent experience. But even the best teams can miss blind spots that impact first impressions. We’re here to help!

amy fernandez validate

"Mystery Shopping is a wonderful tool that has helped as I develop and implement our leasing school. I am able to recognize employee strengths while also identifying opportunities for growth. As a result, I have used this knowledge to gear my training towards their needs rather than wasting time on skills that have already been mastered."

Amy Fernandez
Training & Development Manager
Phillips Management Group

Explore More Mystery Shopping Resources

The Science of Selling Apartments ebook_mockup

The Science of Selling Apartments

Download this data-driven ebook and unlock the secrets to thriving in this competitive environment.
Annual & Save Mystery Shop_thumbnail

Annual & Save Mystery Shop Reporting Guide

Download this guide to learn about the capabilities of our detailed mystery shop reporting and analytics and how they can be used to improve performance.

4 Reasons to Restart Your Mystery Shops Now!

Learn four reasons why you should restart your mystery shop programs to ensure you're delivering a memorable experience for each prospect.

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