Free COVID-19 Resources from Grace Hill
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Free Resources from Grace Hill Regarding COVID-19

Posted on March 23, 2020 by Terra McVoy

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Free Resources from Grace Hill Regarding COVID-19


Times of crisis can underscore what individuals, families, communities, and organizations value most. At Grace Hill, our top priority has always been to help customers address issues related to operational risk and compliance—for their own success, and for those who depend on them. This era of COVID-19 is no exception. 


It’s why our first order of business has been to create and compile critical resources designed to support the multifamily industry through the COVID-19 pandemic, and offer them to you free of charge. It is our aim to help you provide clear and correct information, communicate effectively, exercise rigorous safety measures, and practice ever-needed self care.


COVID-19 Resource Center

To make it easier to access all of our free courses, policies, and other helpful references, we’ve created a resource center loaded with timely information and actionable tools, including our COVID-19 courseware, policies, webinars, and more. This site will be continuously updated through the course of this pandemic to help our customers and the industry move forward, even during the most difficult times.


Here’s more information about what you will find at the Resource Center: 


COVID-19 Training

We have created a new COVID-19 Series, Prevention and Preparation, developed alongside the National Apartment Association Education Institute (NAAEI).  Each of the four sections in the series meets their guidelines, are approximately 2 minutes in length, and include:


  • What is COVID-19, and how does it spread?
    • Critical information that enables your employees to separate fact from fiction
  • Key prevention strategies
    • What employees should know about good hygiene and disinfecting surfaces
  • Social distancing during the outbreak
    • What it means, and how it works in a service industry
  • Approaches to keeping calm
    • Ways to reduce anxiety in a time of heightened stress


To reinforce and complement the new COVID-19 Prevention and Preparation course, we have developed learning paths that draw from our extensive Vision 2020 Library of training courses related to safety and risk management topics.


COVID-19 Policies 

Grace Hill also has taken the lead on developing a set of foundational operating policies – COVID-19 Mini Manual Multifamily, Part 1. It provides essential practices and procedures to address the challenges facing property management professionals in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.


  • Pandemic illness
    • Strategies for disease prevention and mitigating impact
  • Preparing for emergencies
    • How to provide an effective and appropriate response on demand
  • Communications
    • Making messages that are efficient, timely and targeted to the right audience
  • Emergency business continuity plan
    • Ensuring your company can maintain essential business operations while prioritizing health and safety


COVID-19 Webinars

Finally, starting this week, we will be introducing our COVID-19 Webinar Series: Better Together Under Pressure. These webinars, like our courseware, have been developed in collaboration with NAAEI, and feature subject matter experts from inside and outside our industry. Designed to help you with essential operating practices, plus guidance on legal issues, talent management support, and more, this the first set of webinar topics will include:


Tuesday, March 24th at 1:00 pm ET

Virtual Leasing: Essentials for Today’s COVID-19 Environment



Wednesday, March 25th at 1:00 pm ET

Virtual Leasing: Creating an Authentic Leasing Experience


Wednesday, March 25th at 3:00 pm ET

Unpacking the Family First Coronavirus Response Act for Multifamily


Thursday, March 26th at 1:00 pm ET

COVID-19 Health & Safety Best Practices for Multifamily


Friday, March 27th at 11:00 am ET

Best Practices for Handling Service Request during COVID-19


Friday, March 27th at 1:00 pm ET

Working in A Virtual World: Surviving to Thriving


Tuesday, March 31st at 1:00 pm ET

Humility and Learning as a Leader


Wednesday, April 1st at 11:00 am ET

Virtual Leasing: Using Technology to Boost Sales 


Wednesday, April 1st at 1:00 pm ET

Communicating & Keeping Residents Engaged Virtually 


Friday, April 3rd  at 1:00 pm ET

Working in A Virtual World: Habits, Rituals & Routines



As COVID-19 continues to affect our lives, Grace Hill will build out new policies and training to protect your employees and help mitigate risk. Stay tuned for additional details from Grace Hill. We are here for you and for our industry – now and for the long months ahead.

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