From Leads to Leases: Proven Telephone Techniques | Grace Hill
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From Leads to Leases: Proven Telephone Techniques That Convert

Posted on July 15, 2024 by Grace Hill

Leasing agent smiling on the telephone at her desk.

Telephone prospects are among the most important prospects you can have as they tend to be more dependable than walk-ins. Leasing agents for apartments play a crucial role because it’s an opportunity to build excitement. And once that excitement for seeing your community is established, the telephone prospect will likely keep their appointment. 

More importantly, when they agree on an appointment, you already know the following to be true:

  • They like you — the leasing professional.
  • The rental rate is acceptable.
  • Your property’s location or neighborhood is satisfactory.
  • Your apartment community sounds appealing to the prospect.

People who call first tend to have a system for their apartment search, and their phones play a key role in how they search. As a result, by the time a telephone prospect arrives for a tour, they are a primed and qualified lead.

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The Truth About Online Leads

According to the National Apartment Association (NAA), “About 98% of people searching for apartments use online resources when looking for their next home—and 20% use only online sources for their search.” 

Some prospects begin with an internet search, while others use it to gather more details about a community that was either recommended or seen while out and about. But it all boils down to this: Online leads are just telephone call leads in the making. As an apartment leasing agent, your job is to get the lead on the phone — and as soon as possible.

Therefore, you should respond to online inquiries within two seconds rather than two hours. It is imperative to reply quickly and get them on the phone immediately. And the best way to do this is to always respond by calling rather than emailing. 

Remember: You can — and should — always send an email following your call, but a phone call provides a quick personal connection and gives you a chance to make sure a prospect has no further questions. 

Leasing Agent Tips for Telephone Inquiries

Converting phone calls into tours is the key to filling vacancies. Here are some tips on how to use your phone skills to create a sense of urgency, schedule appointments, and convert those inquiries into leases.

Create a Sense of Urgency

For leasing agents, the primary objective is to get telephone prospects to the property. And to do that, it’s crucial to first create a sense of urgency. 

Using the phrase “right now” with prospects helps promote that need to hurry, but in reality, “right now” can mean today, tomorrow, or as soon as they can make it to your community. 

Schedule an Appointment

It is okay to set an appointment but ensure you build excitement for seeing the community. Remember, the prospect is actively looking for a home, and a prompt response can make all the difference. 

Set a Specific Appointment Time

If the prospect cannot visit on the same day they speak to a leasing agent, be sure to set a specific appointment time. The tour appointment is a great way to ensure the visit will occur. Try to secure a date and time for the visit and follow up before the visit to confirm the appointment. 

Avoid Disqualifying Prospects Too Soon

Don’t be too quick to disqualify a prospect. Prospects who feel the rent is too high often discover rental rates are competitively set after calling a few other communities. Instead, focus on getting the prospect to visit so you can overcome objections in person.

6 Steps to a Successful Call

In the fast-paced world of multifamily apartment leasing, mastering powerful telephone communication techniques can significantly enhance your sales success. How you handle calls can make a lasting impression when dealing with prospective residents, so you must know how to do it well. 

To help boost your leasing agent skills, we’ve outlined six essential steps to ensure every call is successful. From promptly answering by the third ring to exuding a warm and friendly tone, these techniques will not only make you stand out but also increase your chances of converting leads. 

Here are six powerful telephone techniques to elevate your leasing game!

  1. Stop What You’re Doing: Do not ignore calls. In today’s fast-paced market, responsiveness can be the difference between landing the perfect resident and losing them to a competitor. 
  2. Answer by the Third Ring: Try to answer the phone on the first ring; this is key! Your prospects do not expect you to do this, so it makes you stand out. If you can’t answer by the first ring, be sure to answer by or before the third ring.
  3. Smile…The Caller Will Hear It: Smile when you answer the phone to create a perception of a friendly and professional leasing agent. Even though you can’t see the caller, the tone of your voice with a smile instantly conveys warmth and trust. 
  4. Be Enthusiastic: Greet callers enthusiastically and speak clearly, using an unhurried, welcoming pace of speech. An example of an enthusiastic greeting is, “Thank you for calling Sunshine Apartments. My name is Rick, and you are?” This is also a great way to immediately obtain the prospect’s name.
  5. Sound Warm and Friendly: A positive attitude goes a long way. While it may seem simple, leasing agents should ensure every telephone interaction includes a warm and friendly tone. An upbeat tone projects an aura of approachability, putting the prospect at ease. They will instantly feel like they’re talking to someone who genuinely wants to help. 
  6. Have Your Leasing Tools Ready: It’s important to be prepared, which means having a pencil, pen, and notebook nearby. You should always know your availability without having to look it up.

10 “Cues” for Asking Qualifying Questions

There is no need to just “wing it” when speaking to prospects on the phone! Use a “cue card” to help you ask leading questions that create more meaningful telephone conversations. Whether you write a prospect’s answers to your questions or enter them directly into your leasing system, remain focused on the caller throughout your discussion.

Remember, telephone prospects are hot leads, but at this step, it’s all about connection. Don’t make the mistake of not listening —  and by listening, we mean “actively” listening — to a caller; people can sense disinterest and distraction even through the phone.  

Below are ten simple cues that leasing agents can use to ask qualifying questions.

  1. Introduction: “Thank you for calling. My name is _____, and you are _____?” 
  2. Contact Information: Now that you know the prospect’s name, use it! “[Insert name of prospect], what is your phone number in case something comes up or we get disconnected? “What’s a good email for you?”
  3. Referral Source: “How did you hear about our community? Do you work nearby or know someone who lives here?” 
  4. Important Qualifiers: “I want to find the perfect home for you. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
    1. “Is the home just for you, or will you live with others?”
    2. “Will you be bringing any pets?”
    3. “When are you planning to move?”
    4. “What price range are you budgeting for?” 
    5. “Do you mind if I ask why you are considering a move right now?”
  5. Specific Needs: “Take a moment and describe the type of home you are looking for. Do you have any special needs or preferences?”
  6. Describe the Benefits: Take an opportunity to talk about the apartment community’s amenities and services that align with the prospect’s specific needs and desires. Use this to help create a sense of urgency. Depending on the prospect’s needs, you might follow with something like, “That’s one of our more popular floor plans” or “Those units are going fast, but we have a few still left.”
  7. Invite: “When do you think you might come by for a visit? I want to make sure I am here so I can personally assist you.”
  8. Offer: Before ending the conversation, provide the caller with specific directions. Assume prospects have no idea where you are located; the last thing you want is for them to show up at a competitor’s property.
  9. Set and Confirm: Share some available appointment dates and times, giving prospective callers options.💡Did you know that appointments scheduled on the quarter hour (for example, 10:45 or 12:15) have a higher rate of being remembered and attended (RentVision)?
  10.  Say Thanks: Again, use the caller’s first name, and thank them for calling!

How To Tell, Not Sell

To boost your leasing agent skills and success, you must learn telephone techniques for creating strong connections with prospective residents. Using vivid word pictures and emotional language helps prospects envision the lifestyle your community offers. 

Discussing specific apartments, emphasizing value, and creating a sense of urgency are key strategies to make your property stand out and encourage immediate interest. Here are some techniques to enhance your phone skills and convert more leads into residents.

  • Use Word Pictures: Use good, descriptive adjectives to help the prospect picture what you have to offer and the kind of life they could live there.
  • Use Emotional Words: Share words that evoke emotions like comfortable, inviting, stylish, or friendly. Confer with your staff to come up with words everyone can use to describe your community. These words will make sure prospects — both in person and on the phone — connect with your property.
  • Sell a “Specific” Apartment: Feel free to share information about an apartment you showed that same day. Talk about a specific apartment rather than apartments in general, as this will enable the prospect to connect with the apartment on a more personal level. Sharing details about a specific apartment will also help create a greater sense of interest.
  • Sell Value: Discussing rental rates in person following a tour is always preferable. However, when asked, be intentional with your language. For instance, quote the price as “twenty-two hundred” rather than “two thousand, two hundred.” In addition, focus on creating value around the price before offering the quote.
  • Create Urgency: Advertise specials or warn of limited availability. You can also share specific apartment-related information, such as, “This is the last one with this carpet/cabinet color/in this specific location.”

Leasing Agent Tips for Getting the Appointment

When working to set an appointment, give your prospect two options for an appointment time. Your goal is to have the second option as the most ideal option for the customer. 

Below is a sample script for leasing agents to help guide you until it feels natural.

Leasing Agent: Diane, when can you come by for a visit? I want to make sure I’m here so I can personally assist you. 

  • Would you prefer to come on Saturday or Sunday?
  • What time works best: 10:45 a.m. or 3:15 p.m.?

The interaction above shows your willingness to accommodate, narrowing down appointment time options using the funnel technique. 

As a leasing agent for apartments, remember that telephone prospects are some of your hottest leads, so giving your telephone prospects your full attention is in your best interest! 

Practice various scripts to create urgency and find the one that works best for you. Soon, you will be consistently turning telephone leads into leases!

Proven Solutions That Support Leasing Agent Skills

Leasing agents are the frontline to your property’s success, and while you may have established telephone techniques, do you know for sure that they’re working? Too often, property managers set procedures and expectations but then never actually test their effectiveness.

Let Grace Hill help! Grace Hill has industry-specific solutions designed to deliver unbiased assessments that help move your business forward.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping is a proactive strategy designed to get unbiased evaluations of your leasing performance , offering actionable insights, personalized remediation, and specific upskill training. By blending technology with assessment best practices built specifically for the multifamily property management industry, Grace Hill’s easy-to-administer, discrete mystery shopping programs use proven sampling strategies to deliver timely performance assessments.


If you never ask, you’ll never know. With Grace Hill’s KingsleySurveys, you can evaluate the perceptions of employees and residents, to help you identify what is working and what needs to be addressed. With KingsleySurveys’ comprehensive survey tools, you’ll gain actionable insights and industry benchmarking data. 

Leasing agent skills that incorporate powerful telephone techniques into the overall leasing strategy are essential for driving success and ensuring potential residents have a positive first impression of your property. 

However, without regular evaluation and feedback, it can be challenging to know if these techniques are truly effective can be difficult. Grace Hill’s industry-specific solutions like Mystery Shopping and KingsleySurveys, help you obtain unbiased, actionable insights into your leasing team’s performance. 

By leveraging these proven solutions, you can continuously refine your teams’ telephone techniques and overall leasing strategy, ultimately leading to greater success for your property. 

Let Grace Hill be your partner in achieving excellence and driving your property’s success forward.

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