Resources Archives - Grace Hill


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Boo-tiful Employee Retention: How To Slay Turnover and Save Your Bottom Line

Watch our spooky-themed on-demand webinar to discover frightening statistics on employee turnover in the real estate industry.

AMC Delancey Group

Watch these videos to learn how AMC Delancey Groups' commitment to consistent training helped boost their team's confidence and improve overall performance.

CECs Cost Savings Calculator

Grace Hill's training courses count for 50% of the required CECs, which can save nearly $500 per credentialed employee — every year!

The Multifamily Guide To Growing Your Social Following

This guide offers strategies to help multifamily professionals grow their social media presence, attract followers, and boost engagement.

GrayCo Properties

In these short testimonial videos, hear directly from the Grayco team about their seamless, enjoyable experience working with Grace Hill’s onsite policy implementation team.

Leadership Lessons: The Power of Influence

In this webinar, we explore how great leaders inspire success within their teams and create a magnetic pull that attracts employees to follow them to new ventures.

29th Street Communities

Watch this short video to learn how 29th Street Communities Exceeds the Industry Standard while partnering with Grace Hill to ensure compliance is uniform throughout the organization.

PerformanceHQ Demo Video

Watch this demo to see what PerformanceHQ can do for your business! Get the trusted training you love with a new, enhanced experience that increases employee efficiency.

Mastering Social Media Posting Times

This infographic reveals the top-secret social media posting times tailored for the rental housing community.

What Can Managers of Multifamily and Commercial Real Estate Properties Learn From Each Other?

Learn how to apply best practices from both multifamily and commercial sectors to enhance your property management strategy in this ebook.

The Impact of Employee Turnover in Commercial Real Estate

Discover the financial impact of employee turnover in commercial real estate and strategies for improving employee retention in this infographic.

Policies in PerformanceHQ Overview Video

Watch this video to learn more about our Policy Management in PerformanceHQ, our consolidated technology platform.
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