Is Your Sexual Harassment Policy in Compliance? - Grace Hill
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Is Your Sexual Harassment Policy in Compliance?

Posted on November 14, 2019 by Terra McVoy

Sexual harassment word cloud concept


Ensure Your Sexual Harassment Policy is in Compliance


In the wake of the #MeToo movement, federal and state governments are rapidly taking increased action to crack down on sexual harassment in housing and employment. Multifamily companies may be at risk for non-compliance with new anti-harassment legislation if they aren’t keeping up with new rules and regulations. There’s never been a more important time to ensure your company is taking all the necessary steps to prevent sexual harassment. 


We at Grace Hill are dedicated to ensuring our training courses are all up to date and in line with these changes and will continue to keep pace with them to ensure you and your organization are equipped to prevent (and report) sexual harassment as necessary. As one step, we have compiled a Guide to Reducing Sexual Harassment Risk in order to clarify some points of confusion over sexual harassment policy and to help you assess your own policy and training for areas that may need to be strengthened. 



For example, do you and members of your team know

  • Sexual harassment does not have to be motivated by sexual desire in order to violate the Fair Housing Act?
  • The company employing a person accused of harassment could be found liable for failure to adequately address the allegations?
  • That there are many forms of sexual harassment, beyond the overt offenses you may already be thinking of?


Use Grace Hill’s free Essential Guide to Reducing Sexual Harassment Risk as the first step to understanding these questions and protecting your organization. Inside we clarify common myths, offer prevention tips, and provide a checklist for sexual harassment policy and training. This foundational guide will help you assess the strength of your sexual harassment prevention program so you can lower your organization’s risk. 


We want to help you identify state and national laws around harassment, find multiple channels for both employee and resident reporting, and develop methods for frequent managerial training. Download the Essential Guide to Reducing Sexual Harassment Risk to begin protecting your organization, as well as its valued employees and residents. 


Download the Grace Hill Essential Guide to Reducing Sexual Harassment Risk today!

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