Gain a Competitive Edge: Text/SMS Survey Delivery
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Gain a Competitive Edge With Text/SMS Survey Delivery

Posted on April 17, 2023 by Grace Hill

Woman on phone Text/SMS Kingsley Survey Delivery

Making smart business decisions starts with reliable data. And for multifamily property managers, having a pulse on resident and prospect sentiment is critical for building a strategy that improves satisfaction.

With a rapidly changing market, you need to be willing to adapt. It’s equally important to consider whether you have the right tools for making impactful and strategic decisions. We know that consumers increasingly expect flexibility and choice, with communication preferences that shift based on circumstance, demographic, and so much more.

While email remains king, text/SMS messaging has become a popular and valuable addition for communicating with survey participants. By adding this new option to the feedback loop, property managers can quickly increase the number of survey responses from their campaign. Not only is it a reliable form of communication it also deepens your reach, grows engagement, and expands your insight.

The result: more confident, comprehensive insights.

Top 3 Benefits of Adding Text/SMS Delivery to Your Survey Lineup

#1: Boost Response Rates

Text/SMS is one of the most reliable forms of communication, boasting a 98% delivery rate. On top of that, research* shows that 90% of text messages are opened within three minutes.

Higher response rates lead to a deeper data pool and more confidence in results.  By delivering surveys this way, you gain the assurance of knowing survey questions will be read by recipients promptly — and with little time wasted waiting for replies!

People like options. So when you offer a varied approach to delivering surveys, you increase the likelihood of receiving a response. But because text messaging is a preferred communication method for many, you risk missing important feedback if you overlook this significant and growing trend.

#2: Deepen Insight and Add Control

Using text/SMS messaging to deliver surveys has quickly risen in popularity because of its ease and convenience. Unlike a phone call, texting allows you to reach out any time without worrying about whether someone will be home, if they have voicemail set up, or if they’re busy with other things when you reach out. And let’s be honest: Most people screen (and seldom return) calls unless they initiate them.

Email also faces a few hurdles. For instance, residents who do not have an active email address are often left out of surveys or do not receive surveys at the right stage in their journey. Added to that is the very real issue of having emails blocked by spam filters. The struggle here is real.

But in the face of these challenges, text/SMS survey delivery shines by adding a layer of control and depth to your communication and feedback initiatives and filling the gap where more traditional methods occasionally falter.

Because it allows you to deliver surveys to all prospects and residents in your CRM — not just those with active email addresses — you can gain additional confidence in your data, knowing it’s reaching a broader pool of respondents. And since text/SMS surveys are also less likely to be blocked by spam filters, you can sync your survey efforts with customers’ experiences at various points along their rental journey. This ability enables you to measure satisfaction more accurately and broadly and also promptly address concerns.

#3: Broaden Appeal and Increase Engagement

While there are many benefits to adding text/SMS delivery, its ability to broaden your brand’s appeal and increase engagement is an important highlight.

At minimum, text messaging resonates with younger demographics. In fact, young adults are the most avid texters by a wide margin, and according to the Pew Research Center, 55% prefer text over other forms of communication.

So providing a text/SMS option should be a “must-do” to ensure you are capturing critical feedback and preferences from this growing segment of the multifamily market.

By delivering resident and prospect surveys via text, you align with a top customer demographic in how they communicate and engage with your brand. And in offering options that resonate with consumers, you gain a competitive edge, broaden your property’s appeal, and increase engagement.

Grace Hill is dedicated to implementing technology and business practices that benefit our customers. And KingsleySurveys’ new Text/SMS survey delivery does just that!

By adding the new Text/SMS survey delivery option through KingsleySurveys, you will:

  • Increase response rates.
  • Deliver more surveys to more residents, resulting in higher open and response rates.
  • Receive survey data faster and see results sooner.
  • Capture both qualitative and quantitative response data, included in roll-up results reporting displayed in the portal.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t let your competition get the upper hand.

Want to learn how adding a text/SMS survey delivery option can expand your insights and increase satisfaction scores? Talk to a Grace Hill expert today!

* Source: Message IQ

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